The xx oc is the smallest of our tabletop models, designed to serve perfect hot drinks in limited spaces. It comes in both an espresso and instant version, and despite its diminutive dimensions, it packs in an internal water tank, 10 programmable menu items, energy-saving features and 3 payment options.


eC is a professional, eye-catching machine equipped with the Variflex brewing system, multiple energy-saving features and 8 programmable menu buttons. It is available in both the stand-alone version (internal water tank or external side module) and with connection to a water main.

xs grande

xs grande offers 2 varieties of coffee beans, 2 brewing systems and 2 drink sizes, all combinable to make 10 different drink recipes, from a small creamy espresso to a large café au lait to go. Attractive design and an easy user interface help make xs grande one of our best-selling models.

laRhea V+ grande

Hybrid technology with the Xtra canister for personalized products like fairtrade instant mixes or lactose-free powdered milk


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